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How to get here

Pensacola visitors often tell us, “Getting here was easy. Leaving is so hard.” We couldn’t agree more. It’s always hard to say goodbye to new friends, but we love helping them find us. Here are some tips to make getting to Pensacola even easier!

By Car

From the North: Take I-65 south through Alabama. After the Greenville exit, take Exit 69 to Pensacola. Turn left onto Hwy. 113, a four-lane expressway, and follow for 13 miles. When it dead-ends, turn right for a mile to Hwy. 29. Turn left onto Hwy. 29 south and drive for 45 minutes until you reach Pensacola.

From the East or West: Take I-10 and choose from one of several Pensacola exits. For the beach, take the I-110 exit south, and watch for the signs that say “beaches” or “downtown.”

Driving Directions Use Google Maps to find the best directions to get to Pensacola’s Foo Foo Fest. Click the blue diamond shape link to the left of the Google Maps search box to enter your location and find the best directions. Get Driving Directions

By Air

With more than 100 flights daily to major cities, Pensacola International Airport offers jet and prop services via several major airlines. The airport is located close to beaches and downtown at 12th Avenue and Airport Boulevard. For flight information, call (850) 436-5000 or visit flypensacola.com. If you are interested in learning more about Pensacola International Airport visit pensacola-airport.com.

Airlines Serving Pensacola:

American Airlines
(800) 433-7300
Nonstop to Miami and Dallas/Ft. Worth.

Delta Air Lines
(800) 221-1212
Nonstop to Atlanta

Silver Airways
(800) 881-4999
Nonstop to Orlando and Tampa

Southwest Airlines
(800) 435-9792
Nonstop to Houston Hobby and Nashville
Chicago Midway (Saturday/Seasonal)

United Airlines
(800) 864-8331
Nonstop to Houston
Chicago (seasonal)

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