Florida Div of Cultural Affairs: CO-FIT Impact Tracker; Americans for the Arts Resource and Response Center
Date Posted: Apr 15, 2020
**News Shared by the Florida Division of Cultural Affairs**
CO-FIT Financial Impact Tracker
Use our new Impact Tracker spreadsheet to document and track detailed information and data about financial impacts and setbacks experienced by your organization. Click here to download.
AFTA Resource & Response Center
Americans for the Arts established an online Resource and Response Center in order to compile news and relief resources, including special entries in their ArtsU Webinar Series, as well as to gather relevant data and experiences from arts and cultural organizations and individuals. Click here to watch the webinars.
AFTA Impact Survey
The AFTA Impact survey for Arists and Creative workers is designed to gather data and impact stories about financial and human impacts on your business.
Click here to take the anonymous survey and share your experiences.
Artist Relief Fund
The Deadline for Round 1 of applications is
April 23rd at 11:59pm EST
To support artists, a coalition of national arts grantmakers have come together to create an emergency initiative to offer financial and informational resources to artists across the United States. For more information and to apply, visit https://www.artistrelief.org/.
Upcoming Grant Webinars
4/15 – “How to Apply” General Program Support & Specific Cultural Project grants (2:00 PM EST)
4/22 – Rubric Criteria Series: Excellence (11:30 AM EST)
4/29 – Rubric Criteria Series: Impact (11:30 AM EST)
5/6 – Rubric Criteria Series: Management (11:30 AM EST)
5/13 – Rubric Criteria Series: Accessibility (11:30 AM EST)