Foo Foo Fest is almost here

Date Posted: Nov 04, 2014

Foo Foo Festival begins in just 2 days! As you pack and get ready to travel to Pensacola, Fla. for 12 days of the best arts, culture and entertainment events the city has to offer, you may be interested in learning a little more about Foo Foo Fest and its more than 30 events.

ACE President, David Bear sat down with the Pensacola News Journal in a recent interview and explained where Foo Foo got its unique name and about the upcoming events. Bear said, “”A Foo Foo was an impromptu musical group aboard 19th century shipping vessels, “ he went on to say, “So, Foo Foo has historical significance, maritime significance and arts and cultural significance… The name is whimsical and sticky — you won’t forget it. “

This is the first ever Pensacola Foo Foo Festival presented by ACE; according to Bear, “We not only want to celebrate what we have in the community but also showcase it.” Over the span of 12 days, Nov. 6-17, visitors will get a unique glimpse into the thriving arts, culture and entertainment present in Pensacola, Fla. with any of the more than 30 Foo Foo events. Some well-known events are the Great Gulfcoast Arts Festival, the Blue Angels Airshow and the Frank Brown International Songwriters Festival. In between these anchor events are a multitude of small but full impact events that are sure to leave you telling your friends.

To read the full interview and check out the full list of events click here.

If you haven’t already planned to come to Foo Foo Fest, we invite you to join us! Click here to take advantage of special hotel rates by booking with one of our Highpointe Hotel partners. For more information about any Foo Foo Fest event please visit our website,


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